Academy Forum Authors
Marjorie Thompson (Faculty)
Companions in Christ small group studies, curated by M.J. Thompson (and authored many, too). Click here to see at Upper Room Books.
Or search by book:
The Way of Scripture
Larry Peacock (3)
Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms, and Prayer Practices
The Living Nativity: Preparing for Christmas with Saint Francis
Jerry Haas (7)
The Cycle of Grace: Living in Sacred Balance
Shaping a Life of Significance For Retirement
Linda Douty (8)
How Can I Let Go if I Don’t Know I’m Holding On?: Setting Our Souls Free
Rhythms of Growth: 365 Meditations to Nurture the Soul
How Did I Get to be 70 When I’m 35 Inside?: Spiritual Surprises of Later Life
Amy Oden (Faculty)
Right Here Right Now: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness
In Her Words: Women’s Writers in the History of Christian Thought
God’s Welcome: Hospitality for a Gospel-Hungry World
Beth Richardson (15)
Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings
Walking in the Wilderness: Seeking God During Lent
The Uncluttered Heart: Making Room for God During Advent and Christmas
Rosemarie Scotti Hughes (21)
Forever Parenting: Voices of Parents of Adults with Special Needs
Sue Magrath (24)
Healing the Ravaged Soul: Tending the Spiritual Wounds of Child Sexual Abuse
My Burden is Light: A Primer for Clergy Wellness
Mary Earle (Faculty)
Did You Sing Your Song? and other titles by Mary Earle are available for online ordering at