Academy #41 Required Reading
Reading assignments from faculty of Academy #41 held at Camp Sumatanga in Gallant, AL. Books are added when received from faculty presenters. Please check back frequently for new book additions.
Session One: August 27 – September 1, 2018
Roger Owens: Attentiveness to the Word
1. A Tree Full of Angels, Macrina Wiederker
2. Eat This Book, Eugene Peterson
Loyd Allen: Traditions of Christian Spirituality
1. Thirsty for God, by Bradley Holt – August 2017 edition
2. Spiritual Traditions for the Contemporary Church, by Gabriel O’Donnell and Robin Maas
Session Two: November 12-17, 2018
Rabbi Chava Bahle: Hebrew Spirituality
1. Midrash: Reading the Bible with Question Marks, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
2. Psalms of the Jewish Liturgy: A Guide to Their Beauty, Power and Meaning, Miriyam Glazer (limited print copies – available to Kindle or Nook. May select alternative suggested book below)
Alternative Suggested by Chava: The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary, Robert Alter
Sr. Dawn Mills: Spiritual Disciplines
1. Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster
2. Tools Matter: Beginning the Spiritual Journey, Mary Margaret Funk
Session Three: February 4-9, 2019
Melanie Ross: Liturgy & Spirituality
1. Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel, Jennifer McBride
2. You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit, James K.A. Smith
Luke Timothy Johnson: New Testament Spirituality
1. Faith’s freedom: A Classic spirituality for Contemporary Christians, Luke T. Johnson
2. Living Jesus: Learning the Heart of the Gospel, Luke T. Johnson
Session Four: May 13-18, 2019
Sr. Kathleen Flood: Roman Catholic Spirituality
1. Ways of Imperfection, Simon Tugwell
2. Four Women Doctors of the Church: Hildegard of Bingen, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Mary T. Malone
Luther Smith: Spirituality and Embodiment
1. Learning to Fall: The Blessings of an Imperfect Life, Philip Simmons
2. The Little Book of Trauma Healing: When Violence Strikes and Community Security is Threatened, Carolyn Yoder
Session Five: August 19-24, 2019
Roberta Bondi: Prayer and the Art of Discernment
1) Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, by Anne Lamont
2) To Pray and to Love, by Roberta Bondi
Additional recommended readings: Beginning to Pray, Anthony Bloom and Wild Things, Roberta Bondi
Fr. John Mefrige: Orthodox Spirituality
1) The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: “Theosis” in Scripture and Tradition by Christopher Veniamin (Printed book available at
2) The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology by Igumen Chariton.
Additional recommended reading: The Way of a Pilgrim: and The Pilgrim Continues His Way, by R.M. French (translator)
Session Six: November 18-23, 2019
Amy Oden: Protestant Spirituality
- Barbara Holmes, Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church. Fortress Press, 2017 (revised edition).
- Gregory Clapper, As If the Heart Mattered: A Wesleyan Spirituality, Wipf and Stock, 2014.
Grace Imathiu: Spirituality and Ways of Healing
- Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
- The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggemann
Session Seven: February 3-8, 2020
Thomas Thangaraj: Christian Spirituality in the Global Context
- Encountering God: a spiritual journey from Bozeman to Banaras; Diana L Eck; Boston : Beacon Press ; 2003
- Relating to people of other religions: what every Christian needs to know; M Thomas Thangaraj
Nancy Schreck: Spiritual Leadership in Local Faith Communities
1. Canoeing the Mountains: Christian leadership in Uncharted Territory by Tod Bolsinger
2. Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry By Ruth Haley Barton
Additional suggested reading by Nancy Schreck:
Salsa, Soul and Spirit: Leadership for a Multicultural Age by Juana Bordas
The Monk Within: Embracing a Sacred Way of Life by Beverly Lanzetta
OR Drinking from the River of Light: The Life of Expression by Mark Nepo
Session Eight: October 26-31, 2020
Larry Peacock: Sustaining Our Life in Christ: A Rule of Life
- Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms and Prayer Practices, Larry Peacock (second edition, Skylights Paths Publishing)
- Peacework, Henri Nouwen, Orbis Books — Suggest they read using the words “climate change” in place of or in addition to Henri’s prophetic words about resisting violence and nuclear war
Suggested Reading by Larry Peacock: Margaret Guenther’s At Home in the World, Seabury Books
Barbara M.B. Taylor: Bearing Witness to the Reign of God in the World
- Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited
- An Altar in the World, Barbara Brown Taylor