In this month’s episode we hear from Luther Smith on the topic of meeting God in our justice seeking. Luther Smith is an ordained elder in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, longtime Academy faculty person, and a member of The Academy Advisory Board. Luther spent 35 years of his career as an activist, scholar, and professor at Candler School of Theology, and he is known to be an authority on the life and theology of Howard Thurman. Luther is Professor Emeritus of Church and Community at Candler and his current research focuses on the writings and correspondence of Howard Thurman, advocacy on behalf of children, and a spirituality of hope.

What Dr. Smith shares is perhaps an antidote to the egregious ways we we exploit and water down the sacrifices and struggles of Civil Rights activists and movement leaders every January. May these words of Dr. Smith root and ground you as we move beyond proclaiming justice with our lips, and into proclaiming justice with our whole embodied lives.

Show notes:

Episode tracks: “Far Side of the Sea,” “Versailles,” and “Fearless” by Amy Stroup, used with permission.

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