Our new music is from today’s conversation partner on the podcast, a Nashville based singer songwriter, Amy Stroup, who graciously offered instrumentals from her songs “Far Side of the Sea,” “Versailles,” and “Fearless” for our podcast episodes going forward. You’ll want to check out all of Amy’s music on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your tunes.
This episode sounds a lot like a conversation between longtime friends, because it is one. Claire and Amy have known each other since high school. At the beginning of June, they talked about all things songwriting, healing, racial justice, Richard Rohr, connection, spiritual practices that keep Amy grounded, who she’s currently listening to and reading, and more.
While connection has always been important, it feels even more so in these days of living in the midst of a global pandemic and as we continually engage antiracism work. Maybe this will spur you to send a text to an old friend or quarantine for 14 days so you can safely drive to see your people. Maybe you’ll find some new music to dance to or rediscover an author who makes your heart come alive.
However the Spirit moves you, our prayer is that we’ll remember, together, that the work of love and justice, the work of antiracism, the work of spiritual formation is expansive work and it begs of us to stand our sacred ground, to open ourselves to change, and to deeply trust in the God who marches, dances, listens, learns, and sings along with us. If you’re here for this kind of life-changing work, we’re so glad you found us, and we hope you’ll stay with us for the long haul.
Show notes:
Episode tracks: “Far Side of the Sea,” “Versailles,” and “Fearless” by Amy Stroup, used with permission.
Artists mentioned: Sugar and the Hi Lows, Danger Twins, Patty Griffin, Lucinda Williams (“When the Way Gets Dark”), Andrew Belle, The Chicks (Dixie Chicks), Brittney Howard, Sia, Tame Impala
Milkglass Creative
Dakota by Kathleen Norris
Oprah, Dax Shepard, Tara Brach, Brené Brown
The song Amy sings at the end of the episode is called “Fell Like a Feather” from the album “Mercyland: Hymns for the Rest of Us.”