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Where do you find rest and nourishment for your soul in the rapid pace and frequently changing landscape of 21st century life? What resources help you stay centered and grounded in the face of polarization and uncertainty?  Do you long for spiritual community that welcomes all of who you are, complete with your questions and doubts?

If any of these questions resonate with you, you are not alone.

Spiritual Formation in Today’s World is a fully online, one-year, cohort-based offering from The Academy for Spiritual Formation that provides stability and resources for the journey through a structured rhythm of retreat and spiritual practice within a supportive community of fellow seekers.

Spiritual Formation in Today’s World is offered completely online using the Zoom platform. This experience will consist of four, three-day sessions with one faculty person teaching and sharing wisdom at each session. See the “Course Descriptions” button below for more details on the topics and the “Daily Schedule” button for an outline of the online sessions.

Session 1: Meeting God in Our Longing
February 1-3, 2024 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Sr. Kathleen Flood

Session 2: Meeting God in Our Healing
April 4-6, 2024 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Elaine Heath

Session 3: Meeting God in Our Reconciling
August 22-24, 2024 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Christopher Carter

Session 4: Meeting God in Our Justice-Seeking
October 24-26, 2024 (Thurs – Sat)
Faculty: Juan Carlos Huertas

As a cohort-based experience, participants in Spiritual Formation in Today’s World will receive the wisdom and teaching from four top-notch faculty, as well as the gift or journeying together with the same team and community for a year, spanning four sessions, 12 total days of online interaction, plus covenant group times between sessions. The cumulative impact of this multi-session experience is for all those who hunger for deep spiritual experience, especially in today’s world. Participants at previous Academies are welcome, as well as those who are new to The Academy altogether. If you are in need of community, wisdom teaching, worship, and stillness, JOIN US TODAY.

See below for online application. Please apply by January 22, 2024.



  • $1,200 ($300 per session)
  • $1,500 ($375 per session)
  • $2,000 ($500 per session)

*To make participation accessible for any who want to attend, you may choose any of the tuition rates listed above. We encourage you to pay as high on the scale as your circumstances allow to enable us to continue offering these programs and to provide scholarships for those who need additional support.

Payments can be made upfront or spread out over the four sessions.

Application fee (not included in tuition fees above and non-refundable): $20.00

SCHOLARSHIPS: Partial scholarships are available based on need. A link to the scholarship application will be provided after being approved for the program. The deadline for the scholarship application is January 22, 2024, for accepted applicants. Contact [email protected] if you have questions about the scholarship process.

Email [email protected] with questions or for more information.

Each session is eligible for 1 CEU at a cost of $5.

Click here to read a testimonial from Paige Wimberly, a participant from the 2021 Spiritual Formation in Today’s World.

If you are interested but have questions or just want to know more about the experience, join Johnny Sears, Academy Director, and members of the Spiritual Formation in Today’s World leadership team for a free, one-hour information session via Zoom to help discern whether this online one-year Academy is for you.

The session will be offered twice. Use the links below to register for the session of your choice:

  1. Wednesday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m. (CST) and
  2. Wednesday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m. (CST)
Apply Today
Reading List
Daily Schedule
Course Descriptions