Theme: Hope in a Time of Despair: Advent Through Immigrant Eyes
Faculty: Alexia Salvatierra and Rubén Ortiz
Registrar: Donna Bryant at [email protected] or 615-340-7233
Sponsors: The Upper Room
If we care about biblical justice, or even if we merely empathize with the unjust suffering of marginalized people, it is easy to feel discouraged—even despairing. If we care about the unity of the church and healthy democracy, the enormous divides in our society also can lead to depression and anxiety. Even if we only focus on our own life struggles, there are bleak times. As we approach Advent, how can we tune into the hope that in and through the suffering, we are experiencing the labor pains of the new creation coming? How can immigrants, who are some of the most marginalized individuals and communities in the world, serve as spiritual teachers in the navigation of the waters of trauma and despair towards a hope-filled life of energized peace and joy?
Join us on December 3, 2022, for an online Advent Academy Day Apart retreat where we will explore these themes in a community of worship and spiritual practice. We will be guided by Alexia Salvatierra, Academic Dean of Centro Latino and the Associate Professor of Integral Mission and Global Transformation at Fuller Theological Seminary and Rubén Ortiz, Latino Field Ministries Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Academy alum. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the hope of Advent in a new way through the Academy rhythms of community, study, silence, worship, and embodied spiritual practice.
All who register will be provided with pre-retreat content and prompts for reflection along with suggestions for going deeper after the retreat.
Participants may attend the retreat as an individual or as a group gathered in the same physical space. The registration deadline extended through December 1, 2022.
INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FEE: $60 – $120 (sliding scale)*
*The full value of this Online Academy Day Apart Retreat is $120. To make participation accessible for any who want to attend, you may choose to pay anywhere from 50% to 100% of the full price. We encourage you to pay as high on the scale as possible to allow us to continue offering these programs and to provide scholarships for those who need them. Actively enrolled students may register for $30.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Contact [email protected] BEFORE registering if in need of scholarship assistance.
GROUP RATE: $750**
**Congregations or other organizations that want to gather a community in one location and participate together through a single Zoom account are invited to register as a group at a special rate of $750 for the whole group. This can be a great option for a local church that wants to hold an in-person Advent retreat for their community without needing to create the content. If you have questions about how group participation works, please contact our office.
Email [email protected] with questions or for more information.
This retreat is eligible for a 0.5 CEU at a cost of $2.50. Groups can order multiple CEUs for individuals in their group during registration.